Where Do You Earn the Most in Europe?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. Statista issued a report showing in which European countries you can earn the most. The report looked at the annual salaries in Europe converted in US dollars and compared them, placing them from highest to lowest. Luxemburg took the top spot at about $85k per year, followed

How Do You Feel About Advertising?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. The Linguist Magazine has an article about advertising and how it is used to drive customer engagement. Advertising: love it or hate it, adverts are everywhere, from your social media feeds to news outlets and streets. There is so much science behind every advert and the golden

Is Full Immersion the Best Way To Learn a Language?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. Inspired by a New York Times article about learning French, the topic for discussion today is whether full immersion is actually the best (or maybe more effective) way to learn a new language. In this article, the author Jenny Gross (“reporting from the South of France”, as

Can You Learn a New Language by Watching TV Shows?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. The simple answer to the question “Can you learn a new language by watching TV shows?” is: not quite. Here’s the longform answer. Watching TV programmes in another language provides a passive way of absorbing information but it will not equip you with all the knowledge you

The Linguist Magazine 4th Issue

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. The Linguist Magazine Releases Its 4th Edition: Dive Into Omnichannel Marketing and More New York, NY – [13 October, 2024] – The Linguist Magazine is proud to announce the official release of its 4th edition, set to go live on October 13th. This edition is packed with

How Has the Digital Nomad Life Changed over the Years?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. Should we consider the digital nomad lifestyle as a transition to other ways of working or should it be confined to a specific moment in time? The BBC looked at how the digital nomad trend has evolved over the years. The digital nomad lifestyle was first described

Where Are the Lowest Tax Rates in Europe?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations. Taxes are one of life’s certainties but many freelancers tend to push this topic aside to focus on where the next money is coming from (understandably, I might ask, as I have been guilty of doing that myself). Reports have found that personal tax rates on income