Which Country Is Best for Remote Jobs?

Article in partnership with Day Translations.

No time to do your own research to find out which country is best for remote jobs and remote working? No worries, here’s a summary of the key findings and a shorthand answer: Denmark. But then, there’s many more countries that deserve a mention.

Why Is Denmark the Best Country for Remote Jobs?

Let’s look at the data. Statista reported that Denmark is the best country for remote jobs and it came to this conclusion on the basis of a combination of factors.

These factors include:

  • fast internet access
  • social inclusion
  • public services

You can delve deeper into the reasons why Denmark is among the top three countries in Europe for remote working in a previous article.

What European Country Can Offer a Good Lifestyle for Remote Workers?

While prices in mainland Portugal have been climbing in recent years, pushing the cost of accommodation upwards, there are still some deals to be had off the coast in the island of Madeira.

Lonely Planet rated Portugal as the number one destination for digital nomads for general cost of living and amenities, although it has been noted that prices have been rising.

According to Euronews, Madeira has the fastest internet access in Portugal with accommodation prices still below $1000 per month.

One of the major pulls of Madeira is its climate, which tends to be mild throughout the year, and then you have both beaches and hills for trekking and walking.

Similarly, Spain, and Barcelona in particular, has a strong pull for international remote workers and digital nomads thanks to its modern co-working places and strong cafe culture. Further out from the coast, the Canary Islands with Tenerife as the main hub are attracting digital nomads.

What Is the Cheapest Country for Remote Workers?

While Denmark is at the top of the scale for high cost of living, at the opposite end of the scale the cheapest country where you can work remotely without breaking the bank is North Macedonia according to Yahoo. After looking at the monthly costs for rental properties in ten hand-picked countries where you can have a remote job and interviewing a number of experts in remote working, it was found that the city of Skopje in North Macedonia has, hands down, the cheapest accommodation available (we are talking well below $500 a month at $234 monthly, which equates to be a whopping 61% cheaper than New York). For reference, North Macedonia is even cheaper than Colombia, a very popular spot for digital nomads and remote workers.

What North Macedonia Can Offer To Remote Workers

Skopje in North Macedonia has many plus points on top of being an affordable destination for digital nomads and remote workers.

It can offer:

  • good public transport
  • good mobile phone coverage and internet access
  • beautiful scenery
  • quality fresh food.

Where To Find Cheap Short Term Rentals for Remote Workers

If you are a remote worker and are looking for a cheap place to stay in Central Europe and its surroundings, then Hungary and Turkey have competitive rates for accommodation, with prices below $500 per month, according to the source mentioned above.

Hungary can offer:

  • fast internet access
  • English speakers
  • good quality food establishments and cultural hotspots.

Turkey can offer:

  • fast internet access
  • beautiful scenery and a good climate
  • affordable food establishment using fresh ingredients.

Plenty of Choice for Remote Working

As you can see, there are many options for working remotely around Europe, with very attractive destinations just off the coast of the mainland with the Canary Islands and Madeira leading the way.