why do we need professional translators

Why Do We Need Professional Translators?

Collaboration with Day Translations. Professional translators are irreplaceable: they hold all the knowledge and expertise to provide accurate translations to get the right message across.

Reasons Why We Need Professional Translators

As much as we might rely on online automated translations such as Google Translate to look something up quickly in a different language, human translators will always have the edge. They live and breathe using their native and chosen language or languages and they know how important context is when working on a document.

Social media platforms, for example, have integrated the option to translate text using automated tools, however you cannot rely on those machine-generated translations to give you an accurate representation of the meaning and intent of the original message. These types of automated translations are only providing enough information to get the general sense of an Instagram caption or a tweet, but they fail with regards to the detail and any expression in one language that cannot be reproduced word by word in a different language. Owners of social media profiles who plan to have an international presence and address different audiences in their own language are better off employing professional translators to avoid mistakes, inaccuracies and miscommunication.

In the case of business translations, professional translators ensure that the messaging stays on brand even in a different language. According to CNBC, the demand for professional translators is projected to grow year on year.

The main reasons we need professional translations are:

  • translation is not just a job but it’s an advanced form of communication, building bridges across different cultures;
  • translators belong to a translation association and are committed to continuous professional development;
  • translators can handle confidential confirmation;
  • translators have the technical knowledge to ensure that they reproduce the text in the target language accurately;
  • translators are experts in adapting the text to cater for different cultures;
  • translators possess a level of sophistication in the way they process a document that is unmatched.

Building Bridges

Translation in itself is an essential factor in helping people to connect.

It is empowering for readers to access information that has been translated in their local language and to fully understand its meaning. Language translation allows people to be exposed to other cultures, which is in itself an enriching experience.

Translators use the cultural references they have learned along the way to build an immediate communication of a concept in a different language leaving no room for queries.

Continuous Development

Professional translators offer a higher level of trust in their services which is validated by third parties: they have completed years of study, passed exams and become members of a translation association. They also invest in their continuous development, attending further training courses to keep up-to-date with new directions in the translation industry as well as the area of specialisation of their choice.

Confidential Information

Professional translators are trained in how to handle confidential information.

Without this level of human intervention, private communications and data risk of being exposed and compromised.

Technical Knowledge

The translation industry is highly competitive and to thrive as a professional translator you need to specialise in a particular field. Professional translators provide consistency and high standards. They have invested in their training not only as linguists but also in an industry, becoming familiar with technical, legal or medical terminology. This is a valuable asset that only human translators possess.

They know when to use one of multiple variations of a word or sentence, particularly if there is no exact match in a different language.

Local Culture Experts

Professional translators know how to adapt language to local culture. The messaging needs to inform in a way the local audience can understand and relate to, making a product or service more accessible. Translators consume information in different languages and in different media formats and are familiar with the way people interact and relate to such information.

An example that demonstrates how professional translators are aware of local culture is when they tackle different types of tone, from informal to formal. Each language has its own way to convey formality in social interactions and communications. There are also many other elements to consider such as local regulations: professional interpreters check what types of rules apply in different countries to tailor the messaging.


An expertly translated document reads smoothly and easily. It sounds just like the local language while staying faithful to the original text. This level of sophistication is a sign of proficiency from years of study and experience.

Literal translations are often of poor quality, not entirely comprehensible and contain several errors. Expressions in local languages need the right context and the input from translators is crucial to deliver the correct meaning.

Most importantly, professional translators know which words don’t have an equivalent in a different language and will choose an appropriate way to express the concept that the reader will understand.

Choosing Professional Translators

Day Translations has an international team of professional translators working across several language pairs and industry sectors helping clients to reach new audiences.