The Linguist Magazine on Multilingualism

This article is in partnership with Day Translations.

In the third issue of The Linguist Magazine published in July 2024, Day Translations discussed how multilingualism is an important asset for global companies.

Companies that have a multilingual approach can benefit from a number of advantages, from attracting a more diverse workforce and a wider international audience to improving customer service and customer satisfaction.

What are the benefits of multilingualism in the workplace?

Some of the key benefits of having a multilingual company where employees can speak more than one language include having more flexibility and therefore being more adaptable to changes in the market, as well as having the potential to be more prepared for problem-solving, as multilingual teams can share knowledge and find innovative solutions.

Studies have found that multilingual companies are better at knowledge transfer, particularly between headquarter and subsidiary offices in other countries. One interesting fact about knowledge transfer is that some knowledge gaps can be filled by sharing information with people who speak a different language and who were brought up in a different culture. This is extremely valuable to inform any strategic decision-making.

The European Union is an example of a multilingual international organisation that carries on important policy work that involves all member states and using all the official languages.

Possessing language skills is perceived to be very important to become more competitive in the job market and, in a broader sense, to increase the competitiveness of the economy as a whole.

Communications in multiple languages facilitate cross-border transactions and exports, therefore having a positive economic impact.

The Interconnected Nature of Business

Day Translations is an international company that understands how to supply a global audience. On that basis, it has the knowledge to comment on the nature of business and how international commerce relies on multilanguage support.

It has been calculated that companies which rely on multilingual communications gain valuable advantages that include increased exports and access to new markets. In particular, companies in France, Denmark and Germany have higher exports because they experience fewer language barriers due to the fact that they have planned for communicating with customers and partners in their local language. This is particularly important for SMEs which can really see tangible benefits in their export turnover. For example, German SMEs are well prepared to export to Asian countries, South American countries and Russia and their export turnover his higher compared to their French and Danish counterparts. In another example, 81% of Danish SMEs use German and 33% use French in their commercial communications.

Having multilingual customer service is now expected for most companies and it is vital for successful transactions.

When it comes to creating content including audio visual presentations and apps, having multiple versions in different languages allows customers to engage with these products no matter where they are in the world.

In a nutshell, providing services in multiple languages make people feel welcome and understood.