Day Awards 2021 on International Translation Day
Partnership with Day Translations. The 30th September marks International Translation Day and each year Day Translations celebrates the work of professional translators and interpreters, as well as international musicians, with a broadcast award ceremony.
International Translation Day is the way the United Nations appreciate the role of interpreters and translators in bringing nations together and facilitating collaboration. International Translation Day started becoming a yearly occurrence since 2017 with a U.N. General Assembly Resolution to remind the world how language professionals can help promote peace by supporting diplomatic work.
The 30th September was chosen as the date for International Translation Day because it celebrates Saint Jerome, the patron saint of translators, who translated the Bible from Greek to Latin.
Day Awards 2021
What are the Day Awards? Day Translations, established in 2007, actively promote the use of languages as a way to connect people and provides a platform for professional translators and interpreters with a number of tools and resources.
The Day Awards are a yearly celebration of the work of translators, interpreters and international musicians to highlight how languages are fundamental for international business. The Awards also showcase the latest tools that facilitate the work of language professionals.
It’s important to give more visibility to translators and interpreters as they often work behind the scenes but their contribution is extremely valuable. They are passionate, dedicated and committed to continuous improvement, and the Awards are a great way to recognise their talent.

How to Register for the Day Awards 2021
The ceremony takes place on YouTube as a broadcast and it’s free to attend. You can register for the event on Eventbrite. Once you have your ticket, you will receive the link to the YouTube broadcast and watch it as it happens on 30th September 2021.
During the Awards you will get the opportunity to meet new musicians from all around the world who will perform singing in their native languages: how many times have you tried to discover new music from different countries and were successful finding a new artist? Unless you get specific recommendations, it’s quite difficult to be exposed to other cultures, especially considering how search algorithms work, as they recommend something similar to what you have watched, read or listened to before, basically keeping you in a bubble.
The Day Awards are therefore not only an event from language professionals for language professionals, but also a launchpad for new international talent.