Where is the best place to work remotely in Europe?

This article is in partnership with Day Translations.

Many European cities have risen to the remote working challenge and are offering great value for money and more.

There are a few destinations that have tailored their offerings to cater for the knowing remote working market and they have focused their services to provide:

  • good quality of life, because remote workers want to ensure they can spend some quality time in their day that does not revolve around work;
  • access to networking opportunities, because word-of-mouth referrals are very valuable and establishing good connections abroad makes a huge difference to both business and personal life;
  • good infrastructure because without a stable wifi connection work simply doesn’t get done.

These are some of the European cities where remote workers can work and travel or take some time off to have a holiday in between working assignments.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon always make it to the top of the chart when it comes to offering good value for money and amenities to the discerning remote worker.

The Guardian mentions that Lisbon is still comparatively cheap as a destination.

It is worth pointing out, though, that since becoming a remote worker or digital nomad has become so popular, rental prices in Lisbon have increased significantly. If you are planning to travel to Lisbon to do some remote work, you can find the availability of rental properties on a site such as Idealista.

Taking housing out of the equation, Lisbon still delivers value for money as it is considered a budget-friendly destination particularly with regards to restaurants, public transport and variety of cultural attractions.

Valletta, Malta

The island of Malta is both a gem of the Mediterranean Sea and a popular destination for remote workers and digital nomads. Combining historic architecture with easy access to the sea, Malta has been on the radar for many travellers. On top of all that, Malta also has a good infrastructure.

It was voted as the third most popular European destination after Marbella in Spain and Monaco. Like Monaco, Malta specialises in the top end of the travel market and offers many luxury services. Over the years Malta has been developing programmes to attract more foreign investors and give them a fast track process to residency and citizenship.


Luxemburg is a symbolic place for European Union institutions because it hosts the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.

Forbes gave Luxemburg the first spot as the best European place for remote workers. Luxemburg scored highly for a number of factors such as its infrastructure but also for what it can offer outside of work, boasting a good quality of living. Being the capital of a small country, Luxemburg can also afford to have health services of a high standard.

It’s important to note that Luxemburg is a wealthy country and that has a positive effect even on wages: for example, the minimum wage in Luxemburg is 2,141.99 euro per month ‎(Jun 2020), which is more than double that of Spain at 1,050.00 euro per month ‎(Jun 2020).

Valencia, Spain

Valencia is benefiting from Barcelona’s over-tourism and feels more liveable and less commercial.

Just like Barcelona, Valencia has beautiful beaches, great variety of restaurants and cultural attractions. Even accommodation is priced competitively, but as usual when it comes to rentals it’s important to keep a close eye on the property market when a location becomes more popular. Valencia was voted a top seaside destination in Europe by holidaymakers beating places such as Nice in France.

Remote workers can easily access many networking opportunities and generally this place welcomes start ups and innovative businesses. Valencia has a good infrastructure and choice of co-working spaces.

Ultimately, the decision on which place best suits your needs as a remote worker is based on the right combination of factors, with monthly costs being the key information you will need to create your budget and access to services being important facts to consider because you can’t predict everything that might happen while on location.